July 1st, 2023, Plainfield CountryClub, Edison, New Jersey: TheConsulate General of India, inassociation with FIA, organized aCommunity Meet and Greet Event with the Hon. Ambassador ofIndia, Taranjit Singh Sandhu.
The event was attended by Hon.Consul General (Acting) Dr. VarunJeph, FIA Chairman Ankur Vaidya,President Kenny Desai, Vice PresidentDr. Avinash Gupta, Add. Vice PresidentSmita Miki Patel, FIA Advisor Dr. SudhirParikh, and other community leaders.
In his speech, the Hon. Ambassadorthanked the audience for gatheringat such short notice and, moreimportantly, for their unwaveringsupport for the events held in the pastfew months, including the HistoricState Visit of Honorable Indian PMNarender Modi and the Manni Ki Baatin the prestigious company of theHon. Indian Foreign Affairs Minister,an event held at 2 am in the night thatwas unprecedented.
He touched upon the importantaspects of the Indian PM’s State Visitand its positive impact on the strategicrelationship between the two countriesin defense, trade, energy, technology,education, and people-to-people ties.
Dr. Varun Jeph, Acting ConsulGeneral of India, praised the PM’s statevisit and described it as exceedingexpectations in all aspects. He sharedthe importance of the event beingheld in Edison Township, which is alandmark hub for Indian Americansand stands as an icon of the unificationof Indian talents and industriousnesswith that of American enterprise andinnovation.
Kenny Desai, FIA President,welcomed the Ambassador on behalf ofFIA, the Board, and the Executive Teamand expressed his honor and joy to behosting the event. It’s a matter of pridefor the Indian American community inthe greater NY and NJ area and for FIAto have been able to host nine out ofthe past 10 Ambassadors. AmbassadorSandhu, he stated, is one of the mostknowledgeable Indian diplomatson US-India matters and has beeninstrumental in steering the IndoUS Alliance through unanticipatedchallenges brought on by thepandemic, the economic slowdowns,and the conflict in Ukraine.
FIA Chairman Ankur Vaidyaexpressed his gratitude to AmbassadorSandhu, Acting CG Dr.Jeph, theIndian American community, and thePlainfield Club for allowing the eventto take place at the club at such shortnotice. The event he stated sets twoimportant firsts at this very prestigiousand top-ranking venue in NJ: the firstIndian American community eventheld here and the first time an Indianorigin diplomatic reception was heldfor Hon. Ambassador Sandhu at thisvenue. Both serve as indicators thatour community is contributing to theprogress of the great state of NewJersey.